
Energy Technology and Policy (EG40401)

The course provides a comprehensive treatment of the science and technology of energy production and conversion options, as well as related economic, political, environmental and social factors. After reviewing the benefits and problems associated with today’s dependence on fossil fuels, attention is directed to the opportunities and challenges of transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

Read the full EG40401 course description

Heat and Mass Transfer (AME 30334)

Heat transfer refers to the transfer of thermal energy, and it is an extension of thermodynamics. Heat transfer processes are ubiquitous to many engineering applications, as well as to conditions in the natural environment. They are central to all manner of energy conversion and utilization systems, as well as to a wide range of commercial products and technologies such as those associated with the aerospace, biomedical and electronic industries. The same can be said of mass transfer, which refers to the relative transfer of chemical species in a mixture.

Read the full AME 30334 course description

Thermodynamics (AME 20231)

Of the problems to be encountered by today’s engineering students throughout their careers, none is more important than that of shaping a sustainable energy future. The supply of nonrenewable fossil fuels, which currently provides more than 80% of the world’s primary energy, is being depleted, and it is problematic whether other sources, such as nuclear and renewable energy, can be developed at scales sufficient to meet growing world demand. The challenge is great, but it can be met through engineering innovation, large capital investments, and reexamination of consumption patterns commensurate with achieving an acceptable standard of living.

Read the full AME 20231 course description